Nov week break
Hey dudes and dudettes! Just a head’s up that there won’t be any strips during the last week of November. Updates will resume after that, with the adjustment of it being one strip per week all...
View Article#218
Sidenote: I like including little (and not-so-little) differences in decor when it comes to the girls’ room, the guys’ room, and even ol’ Tuy’s room. It says a lot about a person, the way their room’s...
View Article#224
I suppose Hamlyners don’t quite share the same rites of passage as the rest of us.
View Article#226
‘Tween you and me, I rather go on a rampage myself when it comes to tea. There are sixteen different types of tea in my pantry but everytime I open the door, I’m all “why is there nothing to drink...
View Article#228
Before you say anything, let me assure you that she doesn’t have literal eyes installed. ‘Cause that would just be creepy.
View Article#230
It is rather disconcerting to realise that somebody’s watching your every move what the frig.
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